France’s Asian Community Worries Coronavirus is Reigniting Racism
Fears grow as coronavirus spreads to Europe. (PXFuel)
Amid worldwide panic over a new strain of coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, French citizens of Asian descent are expressing frustration with renewed anti-Asian sentiment. This sentiment stems from Western fears regarding the virus and its carriers, which reached France on January 24.
Thus far, there are 6,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in China, 132 of which resulted in death. Currently, there are six confirmed cases in France.
Following the virus’s spread, French Asians have reported experiencing harassment on public transport and social media; the first major outcry against this sort of racism came when a French newspaper, Le Courrier Picard, published the incendiary headlines “Yellow Alert” and “Yellow Peril?”
To protest, French Asians have taken to social media with the hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus, which means “I’m not a virus.” The hashtag has been used more than 500 times in the past two weeks.
One woman, Cathy Tran, overheard a group of French men saying “watch out, a Chinese girl is coming our way.”
This sort of racist sentiment is not just limited to those of Chinese origin. There are several stories of French citizens of Vietnamese, Cambodian, and other East Asian descent facing similar kinds of racism and harassment.
While some claim these reactions are simply based on fear of the virus itself, others, including Tran, claim that coronavirus is just the latest excuse for racism.
After a French flight from Wuhan returned to France earlier this week, the two French citizens on board were immediately tested for the virus. While Health Minister Agnès Buzyn reported that these tests turned out negative, all passengers from the flight have been quarantined at Carry-le-Rouet, a seaside commune near Marseille.
As public panic over the virus continues, many French Asians fear that anti-Asian racism will only get worse.