Eastern Europe & CENTRAL ASIA

Eastern Europe and Central Asia contain a vast diversity of political organizations, national identities, and ethnic backgrounds, all of which have been thrown into stark contrast after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. The U.S.S.R.’s legacy of corruption, however, has lasted long into the present day. The Caravel’s Eastern Europe & Central Asia section hopes to provide readers with knowledge of the region’s incredible diversity while simultaneously drawing attention to the political similarities that can make their states feel so similar. We sift through government statements that are often rife with misinformation and report the real news: the nationalist sentiments, rigged elections, and citizen suppression that run rampant in the region. Our staff members are devoted to using a variety of sources, from government-owned newspapers to independent websites and social media, to provide our readers with news unadulterated by propaganda and unreliable information.
Our Coverage


Anna maloney
Anna Maloney is a sophomore in the School of Foreign Service majoring in Science, Technology and International Affairs with a concentration in Security Studies. She joined the Caravel her freshman fall as a copy editor before expanding to additionally write for the Eastern Europe and Russia section. Her academic interests include Eurasian-US geopolitics, Russian, French, Mandarin, medicine, and international security. Outside of writing for the Caravel she enjoys running around the monuments, figure skating, and reading in the bioethics library.