Possibility of Moldova-Romania Reintegration?

According to organizers, 50,000 Moldovans participated in a march in Chisinau to promote a unification of Romania and Moldova. Historically, the province of Bessarabia contained the whole of Moldova and a small portion of present-day Ukraine and was dismantled during World War II. The protest has gained vocal support from powerful figures in Romania, such as President Traian Basecu Defense Minister Anatol Saleru. Russia has seen this reintegration as a potential threat, given that the President and Defense Minister are pro-Western and that Romania is a present NATO member and is increasing its integration with the EU through a new Free Trade agreement signed on April 1. Russian state-owned media outlet, Sputnik News, has picked up the story, focusing especially on the PSRM Socialist Party’s call for the resignation of Anatol Saleru, Romania’s Defense Minister, noting his intention to open a museum dedicated to “Soviet occupation.”

Romania had taken note of the popular support for reintegration even before the demonstrations; the majority government, the Christian Liberal Alliance, has been preparing strategy documents regarding the possibility since mid-February.



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