The Oil Curse: Escalation of Conflict Between Iran and Israel Drives Renewed Fears of Global Economic Shocks Middle East & Cent. AsiaRobert MooreApril 21, 2024Georgetown UniversityOPEC, Iran, oil crisis, Persian GulfComment
Oman: The First Persian Gulf State to Return Its Ambassador to Syria Middle East & Cent. AsiaChris BassOctober 15, 2020Georgetown UniversityOman, Syria, Persian GulfComment
Drone Strike on Saudi Oil Heightens Tensions Between U.S. and Iran United States of AmericaSamuel HoagSeptember 25, 2019Drone strike, Persian Gulf, Oil, Iran, Saudi ArabiaComment
U.S. Navy Reasserts Dominance in the Persian Gulf Middle East & Cent. AsiaAlex LekanApril 5, 2019Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of HormuzComment